Breathing Through Overwhelm



You’re breathing.

Your chest is expanding.

You’re living.

Are you conscious of this?

Do you not notice the breath until the condition changes?

Our breath is easily a usable indicator of where our emotional state is. By consciously breathing and touching into your body, you can help yourself to work through overwhelming, anxious, stressful, and so forth, situations. Sometimes there is the feeling that we would need to schedule in time to take care of the inner world, and then pressured to skip these ‘’me-time” moments when other commitments are encroaching, hunkering us down.

Something’s gotta give.

Your relationship with yourself – the tabs on the inner state – need an essence of dedication, you need to show yourself that you are willing to show up.

Thoughtfully and lovingly created, we suggest this 9-minute meditation for a lunchtime reconnection, for parents or carers slipping in personal time, students taking a study break, and those needing a short held space to calm down. Let Jordana help you breathe through the overwhelm, to take the lessons of conscious breath and relaxation with you everywhere.


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